- Working experience in the field of cultural promotion in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with special emphasis on the intercultural dialogue.
In particular:
a) Specialist of the Euro-Mediterranean area with organisation of a common project of comparative studies and cultural and scientific involvement writers, poets, philosophers, philologists, economists, men and women active in culture and sciences, representatives of Institutions and experts in fields touching on the life and habits of the Mediterranean peoples.
b) Expert in social and intercultural design and planning in the Euro-Mediterranean area. In this capacity, invitations to deliver speeches at international Seminars have come in, such as: Annual Aspen Seminar (Taormina 1999), Euro-Mediterranean Conference in commemoration of King Hussein of Jordan (EU, Jordan Institute of Diplomacy, Amman 2000), International Conference “Balkans a New Millennium” (Macedonian Academy of Sciences, Skopje 2001)”, International Meeting for the European-Arab Intercultural Dialogue ( Fondazione tre culture, Seville 2002); Panel on Islam “Immigrati: una risorsa per l’Italia” (Naples, 7th February 2003); 7th Euro-Med Convention “From Land to Sea” (Taormina, 31st October 2003); First Meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Paliamentary Aseembly (APEM) (Athens, 22-23rd March 2004); International Conference “Dialogue between peoples and cultures: actors in the dialogue (Bruxelles, 24-25th May 2004); Euro Mediterranean Meeting “Cooperazione e Partenariato: scelte strategiche per la sicurezza, la pace e lo sviluppo nell’area del Mediterraneo” (Cosenza, 13th May 2005).
c) In 1994 establishment of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo (FLM), an international non-governmental non profit organization (NGO), aiming at developing the intercultural dialogue (see prospectus annex 1 and website Ever since, vested with the title of President of the Foundation.
The FLM is a Euro-Mediterranean Network for the dialogue among cultures and societies and its objectives coincide with those of the future Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the dialogue between cultures and civilizations (FEM). Founded in 1994, the FLM consists of various networks of Cities, Regions, Universities, Academies and Bodies of the Euro-Mediterranean Countries which have joined the institution by deliberations of their own decision-making bodies, thus providing it with legitimacy and visibility. During its ten-years activity, the FLM has worked with the European Union, the State of Italy and Euro-Mediterranean Countries for the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, in particular with regard to concrete actions aiming at promoting the dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The FLM honoured the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership through the quality of the actions carried out and received for this unanimous acknowledgements (European Parliament, Council of Europe, United Nations, Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, etc). The Headquarters of FLM is situated in Naples and there are several Offices and thematic bureaux in Italy and in the main Euro-Mediterranean Countries.
d) Actions aiming at developing the intercultural dialogue through activities such as:
- General director of the Accademia del Mediterraneo-Maison de la Méditerranée – an organism founded by 67 Academies from the Euro-Mediterranean countries which comprises 561 Institutions and has over 90 offices in various countries;
- General director of Almamed – an organism which associates the leading Euro-Mediterranean universities coordinated by the University of Bologna;
- General director of Euromedcity – an organism which associates the major Euro-Mediterranean cities coordinated by City of Seville;
- General director of Isolamed – an organism which associates the main Mediterranean islands coordinated by Aeolian Islands.
e) Within the framework of the promotion of intercultural dialogue there were several journalistic, publishing, multimedia activities:
- Articles and reports published in the leading newspapers and journals, both Italian and international (La Repubblica, El Pais, Le Monde, Dialogo mediterraneo, Il Secolo XIX, Pluriverso, etc).
- Since 1996, weekly contribution to “Il Denaro” with responsibility for the feature “Osservatorio Mediterraneo”. (
- Editor of “Edizioni Magma” Napoli, the following series: Cultura e attualità; Documenti e problemi; Arte, danza, musica, cinema e teatro. (
- Management of the portal “EUROMEDI.NET”, which gives a highly scientific coverage to topics which are fundamental to cultural, economic and scientific integration in the Euro-Mediterranean area: common historical roots, currents of religious and philosophical thought, evolution of sciences and technology, enhancement of the cultural, archaeological and monumental heritage (artistic, architectonic, archaeological and environmental) and of cultural expressions, etc.. The portal is both informative and interrogative concerning the principal problems of the Euro-Mediterranean area (migration, drought, new poverty and new indigence, etc.) providing a back-up for decision making in the various countries. It will include multilingual editions in blocs (Virtual Parliament, Economics, Environment and society, Area of applied services, Great multimedia editions, etc).
f) Awards and acknowledgements. Among the latter it is worth mentioning the Independence Honour of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 10th October 2000 by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan.
- Experience in managing a multidisciplinary team:
a) 1980 - 1994: leader of a multidisciplinary team involved in the realization of hospitals, working places, structures having particular housing and utilization needs (computer centres, rehabilitation and surgical rooms, office districts, etc) both in Italy and in the United States;
b) Since 1994: leader of projects of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, with the aid of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation instituted by the President (See annex 2) and of experts ad hoc for the various projects worked out and carried out by him;
c) The experience in managing multidisciplinary teams is also shown by the activity such as:
- General director of the Accademia del Mediterraneo-Maison de la Méditerranée – an organism founded by 67 Academies from the Euro-Mediterranean countries which comprises 561 Institutions and has over 90 offices in various countries;
- General director of Almamed – an organism which associates the leading Euro-Mediterranean universities coordinated by the University of Bologna;
- General director of Euromedcity – an organism which associates the major Euro-Mediterranean cities coordinated by City of Seville;
- General director of Isolamed – an organism which associates the main Mediterranean islands coordinated by Aeolian Islands.
d) The experience in managing multidisciplinary teams is also shown by being general director of MAISON DE LA MEDITERRANEE, a structure situated in Naples at via Depretis 130, working for the intercultural dialogue in the fields of culture, arts, media, representation of local institutions and Universities, specific synergy with Regione Campania.
e) Coordination and leadership of several multidisciplinary teams working on behalf of the EU and of other institutions, listed in the next paragraph.
- Experience in managing funds for programs and projects, in particular within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue between cultures and civilizations:
Managing capacity confirmed by the assessments of the European Commission with regard to the ongoing activities. (ref. Audits by the EU)
The scope of the projects is shown in the following list, including the most significant projects:
OBJECT: International Congress on the cultural heritage of “CITTA’ DEL MEDITERRANEO”
LOCATION : Barcelona, 8th-9th March 1995, Palazzo del Comune.
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT: The works by more than 400 participants resulted into the declaration by the Mayors of Mediterranean towns proposed by Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo on the safeguard and valorisation of urban cultural heritage.
ROLE: Collaborator. Organizer: Municipality of Barcelona.
PROJECT COST: 150,000 euros
DONOR OF THE PROJECT: Municipality of Barcelona. activities year by year/1995
OBJECT: International Congress “MOROCCO HISTORICAL CENTERS”, in cooperation with Morocco Ministry of Culture.
LOCATION: Essaouira (Morocco) 10th – 12th November 1995.
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT: The results of the works by more than 100 participating mayors and experts have been useful to identify the importance of the intangible heritage of Morocco historical centres (crafts, art jobs, etc.) proposing UNESCO to use legislation tools for that purpose (note: on 14th March 2001, in Turin, UNESCO presented legislative tools defining “intangible heritage” as cultural heritage of mankind).
ROLE: Collaborator.
PROJECT COST: 220,000 euros.
DONORS OF THE PROJECT: Morocco Ministry of Culture. activities year by year/1995
OBJECT: International Congress on Cultural Heritage “IL MEDITERRANEO E L’EUROPA”, in collaboration with UNO and UNESCO.
LOCATION: Naples, 24th 25th November 1995, Palazzo Serra di Cassano.
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT: The results of the works by more than 300 participants were presented at the First Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Barcelona in November 1995.
ROLE: General Coordinator.
PROJECT COST: 150,000 euros.
DONORS OF THE PROJECT: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo and Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici . year by year/1995
LOCATION: Barcelona, 29th –30th November and 1st December 1995, Hotel Juan Carlos I.
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT: The results of the works by more than 1,500 participants were submitted to the European Commission, mainly the ones concerning the session dedicated to the cultural heritage. The Acts were presented to the European Parliament (Strasbourg) on 8th April 1997.
ROLE: Collaborator: he edited the Acts in Italian and organized the successive round tables concerning town historical centres. Organizer: Institut Català de la Mediterrania (Barcelona).
PROJECT COST: 1,000,000 euros.
DONORS OF THE PROJECT: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo (50,000 euros), Generalitat de Catalunya and Spanish Foreign Ministry ( 950,000 euros). year by year/1995 and 1997
OBJECT: International Congress on “The Culture of Building Underground in the Mediterranean Basin” in cooperation with Genoa Municipality and UNESCO.
LOCATION: Genoa, 16th May 1996, Palazzo Ducale.
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT: The results of works by more than 200 participants have been useful for the inclusion of the underground heritage as a cultural heritage of Mediterranean towns.
ROLE: Organizer.
PROJECT COST: 350,000 euros.
DONORS OF THE PROJECT: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo and Genoa Municipality. activities year by year/1996
OBJECT: International Seminar on Cultural Heritage.
LOCATION: Alexandria (Egypt) 27th –28th September 1997.
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT: The results of the work by more than 150 participants have been presented during the session on cultural heritage of the “2nd Forum Civile Euromed”.
RUOLO: Organizer.
PROJECT COST: 140,000 euros.
DONORS OF THE PROJECT: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo and the Ministry of Culture of the Arab Republic of Egypt. activities year by year/1997
2248 representatives of various bodies of the Euro-Mediterranean Civil Society from 36 Countries had a wide debate on four thematic areas; among these, one dedicated to the “Cultural Heritage”.
LOCATION: Naples, 12-13-14 December 1997 – Mostra d’Oltremare.
ROLE: The Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo organized the II Forum Civile Euromed under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, with the co-financing of the European Commission, under the Patronage of the European Parliament, of UNESCO and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic; with the contribution of the Regions Campania, Piedmont, Calabria, Liguria, Abruzzo, Catalonia, Sicily, Tuscany, Languedoc–Roussillon, Collectivité Territoriale de Corse and of the Département Bouches-du- Rhône; in collaboration with the Institut Català de la Mediterrània and the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Espana), the Società Umanitaria, the Associazione Europa Mediterranea, the CSI-Piemonte and the Ente Autonomo Mostra d’Oltremare.
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT: The II Forum Civile Euromed has produced 86 projects and the FLM has promoted the implementation of most of them. In particular, Arch. Michele Capasso was charged by the participants in the II FCE to see to the implementation of some main projects, including the following:
- The promotion of the institution of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, met for the first time in Athens on 22nd March 2004 (annex 4); activities year by year/2004
- CINEMAMED Project ( )
- Conference “Balcani nuovo millennio” ( activities year by year/2001)
- Creation of Euromedcity (Marseille, 6th July 2000) ( activities year by year/2000)
- Creation of Almamed (Marseille, 6th July 2000) ( activities year by year/2000)
- Creation of Isolamed (Marseille, 6th July 2000) ( activities year by year/2000)
- Creation of Accademia del Mediterraneo (10th October 1998) ( activities year by year/1998)
- Cinematographic Exhibition “Il Cinema dei Paesi arabo-Mediterranei” ( activities year by year/1996)
ROLE: General Coordinator
PROJECT COST: 1,100,000 euros.
DONORS OF THE PROJECT: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo (500,000 euros) European Commission DGIB (200,000 euros); other regions and bodies (400,000 euros).
OBJECT: CINEMAMED, project selected within the context of the program EUROMED AUDIOVISUEL of the European Commission ( (2000-2003).
LOCATION: Naples; Palermo; Edinburgh; Cattolica; Lecce; Madrid; Lisbon; Montpellier; Amman, Beirut, Marrakech, Bologna.
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT: To promote the cinema of the Arab –Mediterranean Countries; To hold advanced training seminars for scriptwriters ( “Aristote” program); To organize a retrospective of Salah Abou Seif.
ROLE: General Coordinator.
PROJECT COST: 1,500,000 euros.
DONORS OF THE PROJECT: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, European Commission, Department of Entertainment at the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities.
LOCATION: Naples, 28-29-30 November 2003
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT: The Euro-Mediterranean Civil Forum met from 28th to 30th November in Naples in advance of the Ministerial Conference there. The Forum was organized and supported by the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo in collaboration with a Steering Committee including the NGO Platform for the Euro-Med Civil Forum, with the support of the European Commission. More than 300 participants, most of them from the South Mediterranean, adopted a Declaration entitled “Building Bridges, not Walls”, which was presented to the Naples Ministerial Conference. The text calls for an Action Plan for Civil Society in the Region, a Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Policy, and the organization of a Euro-Mediterranean meeting of Labor Ministers. The Civil Forum stressed the importance of freedom of association, assembly and expression. With great sense of responsibility and in consideration of the crucial political circumstances, Michele Capasso devoted all his efforts in order to issue the visas for all participants, to ensure a balanced participation of Israeli and Palestinians and to carry out the Forum with the necessary security.
ROLE: General Coordinator
PROJECT COST: 720,000 euros.
DONORS OF THE PROJECT: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, European Commission.
LOCATION: Euromed Countries 2002-2005
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT : The main activity of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo consisted in disseminating the project MEDPRIDE to partners who had not yet adhered to the initiative. The aim was to draw the attention of potential partners in order to take a more active role in the project and so to launch a solid base for a positive outcome of the project.
Some concrete actions taken :
- Inclusion of potentially interested institutions and organisms
- Presentation of the initiative to the network of partners of the Fondazione.
- Presentation of the initiative to partners not yet part of the project.
- Presentation of the initiative to institutions of Euro-Mediterranean countries.
ROLE: Partner
PROJECT COST: euro 2.281.837
DONORS OF PROJET: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, EC, partners of project.
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT : The MAMT Museum - priority action of the Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation - represents the "emotional heritage of humanity" and is a unique place, as witnessed by thousands of visitors from all over the world.
Some concrete actions taken :
- Presentation of the initiative to the network of partners of the Fondazione.
- Execution of redevelopment and refunctionalization works.
- Inauguration of the structure.
- Promotion and dissemination of results in the world.
ROLE: Project coordinator and actuator
PROJECT COST: euro 2.623.081,46
DONORS OF PROJET: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, EU.
- Working experience with the civil society as well as in the development and implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership:
a) Organized the International Congress “Il Mediterraneo e l’Europa” in Naples which produced an important final document subsequently presented at the Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Barcelona in November 1995: on that occasion the European Union inaugurated the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, activating what has become known as the “Barcelona Process”. Following this event he has contributed to the development of this process, collaborating on the first Euromed Civil Forum – which took place in Barcelona in the days following the Conference – and subsequently organized the Second Euromed Civil Forum, held in Naples in December 1997.
b) He has set up international bodies and institutes to promote the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and has specialized, through the MEDA programmes, in the utilization of European funding, in particular regarding the interaction between countries, regions, cities, national institutions and civic organisms.
c) On behalf of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo and of international bodies and institutions Michele Capasso has set up, organized, directed and managed numerous events and actions in the context of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. These include:
- II EUROMED CIVIL FORUM, acting for the European Commission and the Euro-Mediterranean Regions (Campania, Piemonte, Toscana, Calabria, Liguria, Catalunya, Languedoc Roussillon), held in Naples on 12th, 13th, 14th December 1997 with the participation of 2248 representatives from 36 Euro-Mediterranean countries.
- BIENNIAL MASTER “Modelli di complessità ed ecologia umana”, for the Ministry of University and Scientific Research of the Italian Republic, an initiative of Postgraduate training in the Regions, Objective 1. The course is currently held in Naples.
- CINEMAMED PROJECT, chosen as part of the community programme “Euromed Audiovisuel” and co-financed by the European Commission. The project – over three years starting in December 2000 – involves 28 partners from the Euro-Mediterranean countries. (www.
- ASSISES DE LA MEDITERRANEE, for the City of Marseille, held in Marseilles on the 5th and 6th July 2000 with the participation of 900 representatives of Euro-Mediterranean countries. On that occasion there was the “Rentrée solennelle” of the Accademia del Mediterraneo and bureau meetings of Almamed, Isolamed and Euromedcity.
- EUROMEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE “The role of cultural diversity on the threshold of the third millennium”, for the European Union and in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic. The event took place in Amman on 10th and 11th October 2000.
- CONFERENCE “Balkans in the third millennium”, held in Skopje on 25th and 26th May 2001.
- Opening of the MAISON DE LA MEDITERRANEE, inaugurated in Naples on 22nd of June 2002 and its management as a supporting tool for MEDA, INTERREG, etc. projects, and more generally to the activity of the Regione Campania within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.
- EUROMED CIVIL FORUM, which took place in Naples on 28th, 29th and 30th November 2003.
- OVER 3,000 international events from 2003 to 2019 -
d) Has collaborated in the 1st Euromed Civil Forum of Barcelona (1995) and has edited the translation into Italian of the proceedings.
e) Has cooperated in the realization of the Euromed Civil Forums of Malta (1997), Valencia (2002) and Chania (2003), participating with speeches and communications.
f) Has edited and directed several publications, including:
- Publication of the volume “Verso un nuovo scenario di partenariato euromediterraneo” (Naples, 1996 - ISBN 88-8127-011-0)
- Publication of the volume “Obiettivi e mezzi del partenariato euromediterraneo” (Naples, 1998 - ISBN 88-8127-027-7)
- Publication of the volume “Le Città e le Regioni del Mediterraneo” (Naples, 1998)
- Publication of the volume “Traffici e trasporti nel Mediterraneo” (Naples, 1998 - ISBN 88-8127-095-1)
- Publication of the volume “La Casa mediterranea” (Naples, 1998 - ISBN 88-8127-023-4)
- Publication of the volume “Gli Stati mediterranei” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-097-8)
- Publication of the volume “Risorse della terra e del mare” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-089-7)
- Publication of the volume “Il cinema nei Paesi Arabi” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-015-3)
- Publication of the volume “Cultura del turismo e cultura dell’accoglienza nel bacino del Mediterraneo” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-091-9)
- Publication of the volume “Istruzione, Formazione e Occupazione nel Mediterraneo” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-090-0)
- Publication of the volume “Religioni e dialogo interculturale nel Mediterraneo” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-093-5)
- Publication of the volume “Le Regioni e le comunità locali del Mediterraneo” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-096-X)
- Publication of the volume “I partner economici e sociali e la cooperazione decentrata” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-087-0)
- Publication of the volume “Sistemi e tecnologie dell’Informazione nell’area euromediterranea” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-094-3)
- Publication of the volume “Risorse umane e trasformazioni sociali nella regione euromediterranea” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-088-9)
- Publication of the volume “Il patrimonio culturale, archeologico e monumentale del Mediterraneo” (Naples, 1999 - ISBN 88-8127-092-7)
- Publication of the volume “Quale Europa” (Naples, 2000)
- Publication of the volume “Nostro Mare Nostro” (Naples, 2010 - ISBN 88-8127-041-2)
- Publication of the volume “La Grande Méditerranée” (Naples, 2012 - ISBN 88‑8127-044-7)
- Publication of the volume “Il mio Mediterraneo” (Naples, 2015, Edizioni Magma)