During the last 30 years of activity, the Italian and international press and media have reported, with over 800 articles, the activities promoted and carried out by Architect Michele Capasso for the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue between cultures and civilization, as shown in the website
The activities carried out by him and his competences for the intercultural dialogue have found acknowledgement and approval in articles of the national and international press. Among these articles, it is worth mentioning the following:
- IL GIORNALE DI SICILIA of 21st August 1995 (Italy)
The article witnesses the deep appreciation towards Mr. Capasso for “being able to carry out important actions to help the people in Ex-Yugoslavia by selling big part of his personal belongings and by establishing the Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation for the promotion of mutual respect among cultures through the dialogue and a shared and just development”.
- IL SECOLO XIX of 22nd May 1996 (Italy)
The article defines Mr. Capasso as one of the few persons capable to carry out the actions in favour of the Euro Mediterranean partnership.
- TAGES-ANZEIGER 10th January 1997 (Switzerland)
In a page dedicated to Naples and the Mediterranean, “Die heimliche haupstadt Neapel”, the journalist Paul Walzer describes the engagement of the jovial architect and talks about his vision and his activities, looking at his person with great optimism and confidence.
- EL PAIS of 14th December 1997 (Spain)
Arch. Capasso, “Master of Ceremonies” of the II Forum Civile Euromed, is appreciated for having realized an Italian event at the same level as the Spanish Forum of 1995.
- HURRIYET of 27th December 1997 (Turkey)
It talks about him as a “great architect who not only plans the intercultural dialogue, but implements it with concrete actions…” “… and it is to such men that should be entrusted the resolution of problems like that of the Curds…”.
- LE MATIN of 25th October 1999 (Morocco)
The article witnesses the appreciation and support by the King of Morocco, Hassan II, to the action carried out by Arch. Capasso for the intercultural dialogue as well as the support to the institution of an Office of the Accademia del Mediterraneo in Marrakech.
- NUOVA MAKEDONIA of 30th November 1999 (Macedonian Republic)
The article appreciates the actions performed by Arch. Capasso since he has developed several activities in Macedonia, showing far-sightedness in so far as the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue between cultures and civilizations and the subsequent peace process require the involvement of the Balkans and Macedonia holds an important role in this process. The article emphasizes the friendship and appreciation towards Arch. Capasso by the former President of the Macedonian Republic, Mr. Glikorov.
- LA REPUBBLICA of 12th August 2000 (Italy)
In her article, Luciana Stegagno Picchio talks about “the new ‘Mediterraneists’ of Accademia del Mediterraneo, founded in 1998 in Naples by an architect with his eyes turned to the future, which has become an unexpected interdisciplinary, multilingual, and multicultural international reality”.
- AL RAY DAILY of 11th October 2000 (Jordan)
The article appreciates the capacity of Arch. Capasso to manage events in Jordan – such as the Euro-Mediterranean Conference on the Intercultural Dialogue in Honour of King Hussein (decided by the European Council which entrusted Mr. Capasso with its organization) – even in moments of conflicts and tensions caused by the combats between Israelis and Palestinians.
- LA REPUBBLICA of 23rd June 2002 (Italy)
Witnesses the deep appreciation towards Mr. Capasso for being able, in a very short time, to establish la Maison de la Méditerranée in Naples with other bureaux in several Euro Mediterranean countries. In the article the journalist gives a description of the opening ceremony and of the official letters sent by Presidents of States and International Organizations in support of the Foundation.
- AL GOMHURIA of 13th October 2003 (Egypt)
The article, accompanied by a picture of Mrs. Mubarak with Arch. Capasso, describes the quality of the actions carried out by the latter for the promotion of the dialogue with the Arab world and confirms once again the appreciation publicly expressed by Mrs. Mubarak on the occasion of her visit to the Central Office of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo (Naples, 9th September 2003).
- AL AHRAM of 28th October 2003 (Egypt)
The article, entitled “Les lumières de la Méditerranée”, is dedicated to Michele Capasso and to his ambitious program of intercultural exchanges, in which Egypt is protagonist with already realized concrete and important actions.
- AL AHRAM of 16 th January 2004 (Egypt)
In a page of the main Egyptian newspaper Mr. Capasso has been defined as “a great friend of Egypt, who needs the full support of the Arab world to carry out his action plan in favour of dialogue and peace”.
- L’ESPRESSO of January 2005 (Italy)
The article goes back over the human experience of Michele Capasso and his choice of living a life helping the others in order to promote peace, justice and mutual development in the Euro-Mediterranean Area.
- AL AHRAM WEEKLY, 14 April 2006 (Egypt)
In an in depth report entitled, “Meet the dialogue architect”, Magda El-Ghitany, journalist, interviewed President Michele Capasso, emphasizing his actions and vision for the Greater Mediterranean.
- AKHBAR EL YOM, 16 April 2006 (Egypt)
The writer, Gamal El Ghitany, defines Michele Capasso as a “builder of dialogue” and points to the importance of the agreement between the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Cairo Book Fair in creating a network of Mediterranean book fairs for and promoting of knowledge and dialogue.
- IL DENARO, 27 May 2006 (Italy)
The article emphasizes the importance of the new seat of the Fondazione Mediterraneo in Murcia and the role of Michele Capasso as a builder of dialogue and peace.
- IL DENARO, 21 October 2006 (Italy)
In this article, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Algeria, Mohamed Bedjaoui defines Michele Capasso as a friend of Algeria and a man who has dedicated his life to the promotion of culture and dialogue.
- IL DENARO, 29 October 2006 (Italy)
This article reveals how of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione, acting upon a proposal by Michele Capasso, decided to address the issues of young people in its programme of activities for the period 2007-2012.
- IL DENARO, 11 November 2006 (Italy)
The article pays tribute to Michele Capasso for the activities undertaken at the renovated seat of Marrakesh, promoting exchange among young people and advocating initiatives to facilitate their freedom of movement and the issue of visas.
- IL DENARO, 16 December 2006 (Italy)
The article speaks of Michele Capasso’s meeting with young representative of networks and organizations from 30 countries, during which the operative strategies for the Fondazione were laid down after two days of consultations. In particular, they defined future actions to be undertaken for young people. On this occasion, young people expressed their appreciation for having been included in the decision-making process.
- CORRIERE DELLA SERA, 5 January 2007 (Italy)
This article speaks about the granting of the “Mediterranean Award” which Michele Capasso presented to Yusuf Islam – the current name of Cat Stevens, who changed faith to Islam – awarded at the 2007 Epiphany Concert that was broadcast by Mondovisione on RAI Uno.
- CORRIERE DEL MEZZOGIORNO, 21 January 2007 (Italy)
Interview about dialogue and democracy on the occasion of the seminar, “Giving Voice to Muslim Democrats: Securing Democracy and Peace in the Mediterranean Space”, which took place in February 2007.
- IL MATTINO, 17 February 2007 (Italy)
Interview about dialogue and democracy on the occasion of the seminar, “Giving Voice to Muslim Democrats: Securing Democracy and Peace in the Mediterranean Space”, which took place in February 2007.
- IL DENARO, 27 February 2007 (Italy)
The article presents the results of the international workshop, “Giving Voice to Muslim Democrats: Securing Democracy and Peace in the Mediterranean Space” and Michele Capasso’s decision to create a peace council in Naples based on the “Marseille Esperance” model.
- IL MATTINO, 5 March 2007 (Italy)
The article presents the results of the Appeals made by Michele Capasso and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Shirin Ebadi, to avoid war in Iran and to give a voice to the Iranian People, as well as call for Peace throughout the Greater Mediterranean area and for the Liberation of Iranian Women.
- LA REPUBBLICA, 9 March 2007 (Italy)
This article speaks of the Honorary Degree conferred by the Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakesh upon Michele Capasso for his “invaluable contribution to intellectual, cultural and scientific exchange, as well as the consolidation of peace among peoples in the Mediterranean region”.
- IL MATTINO, 16 March 2007 (Italy)
This article describes the Arab edition of the book, “Nostro Mare Nostro” by Michele Capasso, with preface by ‘Ala Al-Aswani. The book is a sort of “logbook” documenting the Intifada, the Barcelona Process, the Dialogue among Cultures, the Alliance among Civilizations, migration, tourism, etc. It is a journey that traverses not only geography, history, traditions, politics, culture, religions, the economy and the problems of Nostro Mare Nostro, but above all, it is about destiny… In the long preface – a book within the book - Al-Aswani unites the various accounts with a common denominator that explains the entire drama of the diary and leads to “a new humanism” that can be used to form the basis of peace and mutual respect, thus burying stereotypes and misunderstandings.
- IL DENARO, 8 February 2008 (Italy)
The article bears testimony to Michele Capasso’s commitment to the Forum Universale delle Culture scheduled for Naples in 2013, and the role played by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
- IL MATTINO, 13 June 2009 (Italy)
The article refers to the visit to the Fondazione Mediterraneo by the President of the Republic of Portugal, Anibal Cavaco Silva and his acknowledgement of the actions performed by Michele Capasso for Peace and Dialogue in the Greater Mediterranean.
- IL DENARO, 6 March 2010 (Italy)
This article speaks of Michele Capasso’s meeting with the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, Ahmed Masade. Michele Capasso was committed to promoting the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership as far back as 1991, before it became known as the Union for the Mediterranean. He has been a Member of the Cultural Committee of the Union for the Mediterranean since 20/2001.
- MED NEWS, 20 April 2010
The red sail marks the beginning of his journey: from Gaeta to Vesuvius, from Sarajevo to Jerusalem, from Fez to Rutino. The article tells the story of Michele Capasso’s symbolic ascent of Vesuvius with the “Totem of Peace”.
- MED NEWS, 20 May 2010
Since 1995, the Civil Forums have been a meeting place for shared cooperation and development: from Barcelona to Naples, the red tape of dialogue between culture and peace, the NGO-Euromed platform. The article speaks of Michele Capasso’s commitment to civil society.
- MED NEWS, 15 June 2010
Artists from Euro-Mediterranean Countries united for a message of Peace and Solidarity. From Cairo to Gaeta, music became the instrument of dialogue, peace and cooperation. The article speaks of Michele Capasso’s activities as the leader of a new form of cultural diplomacy.
- MED NEWS, 15 June 2010
The protagonists of Dialogue and Peace. Mediterranean Award, ceremony at the San Carlo Theatre in Naples, The article speaks of the tribute paid to Michele Capasso by personalities from various countries on the occasion of the Mediterranean Award.
- MED NEWS, 20 June 2010
The “Maison de la Paix – Casa Universale delle Culture” was established and the first seat inaugurated in Naples. Its symbol throughout the world is the Totem of Peace and young people are the mediators of conflicts. The article speaks of Michele Capasso’s commitment as a challenge for the future.
MED NEWS, 30 June 2010
“Nostro Mare Nostro” is a book of peace. Alaa Al-Aswani declared: “This book is about the life we have lived”. Predrag Matvejevic’ called it: “the Mediterranean helmsman”. The article speaks of Michele Capasso’s book “Nostro Mare Nostro”.
- MED NEWS, 10 August 2010
The Cilento Angel flies from the Bell Tower to Molinari’s Red Sail. A ceramic plate with the wording, “Cities for Peace” in the world. The article bears testimony to Michele Capasso commitment to building the “Totem of Peace” in Rutino.
- MED NEWS, 20 September 2010
Cardinal Sepe: the “Totem of Peace” as a symbol of lawfulness, Raffaele Capasso and Angelo Vassallo: two examples of lives dedicated to the common good. Awarded “Prize for Lawfulness”.
The article bears testimony to Michele Capasso’s commitment to the “Totem of Peace”.
- MED NEWS, 2 October 2010
Europarc 2010: the Totem of Peace as a symbol of the parks of the world. Representatives of 30 countries adopt the Totem of Peace as a symbol of respect for nature and the protection of the environment. The citizens of Pescasseroli are considered “Peace bearers in the World”. the
MED NEWS, 6 October 2010
Gallup Europe carries out a survey in 13 Euro-Mediterranean Countries. Michele Capasso is among the international experts who contributed to the ALF Report. The article summarizes the contribution by Michele Capasso to the report on dialogue among cultures drawn up by the Anna Lindh Foundation.
- MED NEWS, 14 October 2010
The Under-Secretary of State, Stefania Craxi attending the ceremony: the Totem is of strong symbolic value to the senior officials of the Farnesina. The Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal: it will be a symbol of peace in the Holy Land. The monumental work by Molinari and erected at the Baptism Site given to His Holiness Monsignor Fouad Twal, the first holder of the title of the “Builder of Peace”. The “Totem of Peace” in the world. The article bears testimony to Michele Capasso’s commitment to the “Totem of Peace”.
- MED NEWS, 15 October 2010
Appeal for Peace in the World aimed at willing men and women: the document produced by Palazzo Chigi disseminated in the whole world. Dialogue among religions and cultures to build Peace. The article speaks of the appeal for Peace promoted by Michele Capasso and the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Holiness Fouad Twal.
- MED NEWS, 18 October 2010
Israelis and Palestinians together to combat every war. “Combatants for Peace” and partners of the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The article narrates the conclusive phases of the first edition of the “International Peace Workshops” promoted by Michele Capasso.
- MED NEWS, 1 November 2010
President Abdelwahad Radi: This symbol is an honour to Morocco and the Mediterranean. Presidents and delegations of Euro-Mediterranean Parliaments attending the ceremony. President Rudy Salles: PAM is honoured to support the “Totem of Peace. The monumental work by Molinari in Malta on 21 May 2011. Italy with the Sail of Peace becomes a meeting place between Israel and Palestine. The article pays tribute to Michele Capasso’s commitment to the “Totem of Peace”.
- MED NEWS, 1 November 2010
The Fondazione Mediterraneo presents its Appeal for Culture and Research to UNESCO and proposes its “Totem of Peace” project. Parliamentarians of Mediterranean Countries welcome and sign the Document of the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The article bears testimony to Michele Capasso’s commitment to the “Totem of Peace”.
- MED NEWS, 15 November 2010
President Michele Capasso: Economics and Culture together for Peace. Naples and the Mediterranean: the Unione Industriali (Entrepreneurs’ Association) point of view. The article sets out the content of Michele Capasso’s annual speech at the Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean.
- MED NEWS, 20 November 2010
Mediterranean Union: new challenge for the “Anna Lindh Foundation”. The Euromesco Network relaunches its action with an Annual Conference. The article sets out the content of the speech by Michele Capasso at the Conference.
- MED NEWS, 25 November 2010
Companies at the forefront of regional development. The future of megacities: experts exchange their views. The “Totem of Peace” spreads through the world. Molinari’s Red Sail continues on its journey from Rabat to Brasilia, from Hanoi to Tokyo, from Fez to Buenos Aires. The article bears testimony to Michele Capasso’s commitment to the “Totem of Peace”.
- MED NEWS, 7 December 2010
Three thousand bodies at the service of dialogue. The wealth of the Italian Network of the ALF to promoted co-development. The article bears testimony to Michele Capasso’s commitment as head of the Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation.
- MED NEWS, 10 December 2010
International experts at the Fez Forum. Mobility, employment and training are at the heart of world politics. The FM and the CMIESI promote a special edition of the Fez Forum dedicated to young people. The article sets out the content of Michele Capasso’s speech at the Fez forum.
- MED NEWS, 1 January 2011
The commitment of young people “for Naples”. The message by Pope Benedict XVI: concrete ideas for Naples. The message of the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano “for Naples”. The Fondazione Mediterraneo welcomes the Appeal by Cardinal Sepe and proposes a multi-year plan for Naples. The article bears testimony to Michele Capasso’s commitment Naples.
- MED NEWS, 6 January 2011
The 2011 Mediterranean Awards were awarded. The articles the winners and explains the reasons for the choices made.
- MED NEWS, 24 January 2011
From the Piedmont Region to the World, the symbol of Peace. From Fez to Jerusalem, from Rabat to Brasilia, the long journey of the Red Sail that is transformed into the colours of the Italian flag in Turin. The Province and Municipality of Turin embrace peace as a gesture of unity. President Saitta, the Mayor Chiamparino and the Councillor Alfieri promote the initiative in Turin with a commemorative plate in via Saluzzo to commemorate the place where Mario Molinari worked and created. A resolution of the City Council acknowledged the artists as the “sculptor of colour”. The article explains the value of the sculptor Mario Molinari.
- MED NEWS, 8 February 2011
Those biscuits were so delicious. The accounts of Andra and Tatiana Bucci. The Mediterranean Award to Shmuel Hadas. The Mediterranean Award for Remembrance in memory of Pasquale Cappuccio, the “Memoriae Award”. The article describes Michele Capasso’s commitment for peace.
- MED NEWS, 21 February 2011
This is news, my dear! Winners and losers in the battle for digital speed: a book by Michele Mezza The articles contains the speech by Michele Capasso.
- MED NEWS, 27 February 2011
Appeal for Libya: let’s stop the massacre! The article bears testimony to Michele Capasso’s commitment for peace in Libya.
- MED NEWS, 5 March 2011
From the Piedmont Region to the World, the symbol of Peace. From Fez to Jerusalem, from Rabat to Brasilia, the long journey of the Red Sail that is transformed into the colours of the Italian flag in Turin. The Province and Municipality of Turin embrace peace as a gesture of unity. President Saitta, the Mayor Chiamparino and the Councillor Alfieri promote the initiative in Turin with a commemorative plate in via Saluzzo to commemorate the place where Mario Molinari worked and created. A resolution of the City Council acknowledged the artists as the “sculptor of colour”. The article explains the value of the sculptor Mario Molinari.
- IL MATTINO, 5 March 2011 (Italy)
This article sets out the activities promoted by Michele Capasso for the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy. Among others, the creation of the “Tricolour Totem of Peace” in Turin, Coazze and Naples, the awarding of the 2011 Mediterranean Awards, the Exhibitions in Turin and the Seminars in Naples.
- MED NEWS, 20 May 2011
The “Tricolour Totem of Peace” in Turin, Coazze and Naples. The “Totem of Peace” by Molinari inaugurated in Turin. President Napolitano applauds the symbol of Unity from Morocco to Italy: the journey of the peace symbol. Abdelwahed Radi hands over the “testimony of peace” to the cities of Turin and Naples. The article bears testimony to Michele Capasso’s commitment to the “Totem of Peace”.
- MED NEWS, 23 June 2011
The Adriatic and the Mediterranean: the Seas of Dialogue and Rebellion. The article sets out Michele Capasso’s speech at the Conference.
- MED NEWS, 1 July 2011
The Assembly of the Italian Network of the ALF in Naples. The article sets out the activities of the Italian Network of the ALF.
- MED NEWS, 23 September 2011
The Mayor De Magistris is awarded the Mediterranean Award. The article contains Michele Capasso’s speech.
- MED NEWS, 25 October 2011
Free and transparent elections that represent a qualitative change and positive historic development as well as an important step for the success of the democratic transitions process. The article sets out Michele Capasso’s contribution for the new Moroccan Constitution.
- MED NEWS, 12 December 2011
The article gives details of Michele Capasso’s contribution to the populations of Syria that are victims of repression.
- LE MATIN, 9 December 2011
The article sets out Michele Capasso’s commitment for the rights of infancy and gives details of a lengthy interview broadcast by the Moroccan television network. The article reports in detail on Michele Capasso’s meeting with H.R.H. Princess Lalla Meryem.
- AL MAGHREBIA, 10 December 2011
The article sets out Michele Capasso’s commitment for the establishment of the Observatory on Women’s Needs and the fight against female illiteracy.
- IL MATTINO, 14 February 2012
The article sets out the content of the Protocol of Understanding signed by the Municipality of Naples, in which the Mayor of Naples, De De Magistris delegates to Michele Capasso the responsibility for relations with Mediterranean countries.