
Since 1994 the Fondazione Mediterraneo carried out an intense publishing and multimedia activity in many languages in order to promote, testify and spread shared values of different cultures in the Greater Mediterranean. Hundreds of volumes have been published in different thematic series of books by Fondazione's publishing house Magma and by other qualified publishing houses. Have a look to the on-line publications and if you are interested in receiving the volumes you can contact us writing to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Capasso M. 1994. “Il viaggio del Signor Niente”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli 
(ISBN 88-8127-000-5) La biografia di Raffaele Capasso - padre dell’Autore e Sindaco per 37 anni di San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, un paese vicino Napoli alle falde del vulcano - è un documento dell’impegno per la collettività dove l’intera popolazione, insieme al suo Sindaco, è stata artefice della ricostruzione del proprio paese, interamente distrutto dall’eruzione del 19 marzo 1944.
Capasso M. 1995. “Quale Mediterraneo, quale Europa”
Magma Edizioni, 
Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-006-4)
Capasso M. 1996. “Verso un nuovo scenario di partenariato euromediterraneo”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-011-0)
Capasso M. 1997. (ed.) “Gli Stati mediterranei”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-097-8)
Capasso M. Arcidiacono C. 1998. (ed.) “Obiettivi e mezzi del partenariato euromediterraneo”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-027-7)
Capasso M. 1998. (ed.) “Le Città e le Regioni del Mediterraneo”
Magma Edizioni, 
Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-096-X)
Capasso M. 1998. (ed.) “Traffici e trasporti nel Mediterraneo”
Magma Edizioni,Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-095-1)
Capasso M. 1998. (ed.) “Risorse della terra e del mare”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli ( ISBN 88-8127-089-7)
Capasso M. De Martino A. 1999. (ed.) “Il cinema nei Paesi Arabi”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-015-3)
Capasso M. 1999. (ed.) “Cultura del turismo e cultura dell’accoglienza nel bacino del Mediterraneo”
Mediterraneo” - Magma Edizioni, Napoli( ISBN 88-8127-091-9)
Capasso M.1999. (ed.) “Istruzione, Formazione e Occupazione nel Mediterraneo”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-090-0)
Capasso M. 1999. (ed.) “Religioni e dialogo interculturale nel Mediterraneo”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-093-5)
Capasso M. 1999. (ed.) “Le Regioni e le comunità locali del Mediterraneo”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-096-X)
Capasso M.1999. (ed.) “I partner economici e sociali e la cooperazione decentrata”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-087-0)
Capasso M.1999. (ed.) “Sistemi e tecnologie dell’Informazione nell’area euromediterranea”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-094-3)
Capasso M. 1999. (ed.) “Risorse umane e trasformazioni sociali”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-088-9)
Capasso M. 1999. (ed.) “Il patrimonio culturale, archeologico e monumentale del Mediterraneo”
Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-092-7)
Capasso M. 2002. Prefazione a: il cinema di Salah Abou Seif
(di Luisa Ceretto)
Magma Edizioni, Napoli ( ISBN 88-8127-032-3)
Capasso M. 2004. Ipotesi di vivibilità e sviluppo di una Medina Mediterranea dal cuore antico, in:

Il fascino del Centro Antico
(C. Arcidiacono), pp. 125-137 - Magma Edizioni, Napoli
Capasso M. 2006. Prefazione a “Lineamenti per un rinnovato dialogo tra le culture”
di Antonio Badini - Magma Edizioni, Napoli (ISBN 88-8127-038-2)
Capasso M. 2006. Prefazione a: “Il Mediterraneo Pittoresco”
Congedo Editore, Galatina.
Capasso M. 2007. “La Grande Méditerranée”
(ISBN 88-8127-021-x)
Capasso M. 2010. “Nostro Mare Nostro”
Ed. DLibri - (ISBN 88-8127-041-2)
Capasso M. 2011. “L’architetto del Mediterraneo”
(Magma Edizioni, Napoli)
Capasso M. 2004-2007. “Destino Mediterraneo”
(Magma Edizioni, Napoli)
Capasso M. 2015. “Il mio Mediterraneo”
(Magma Edizioni, Napoli)

Premio Mediterraneo / Mediterranean Award 1996-2011

Edizioni Magma - Fondazione Mediterraneo
maggio 2011 (ed. it/en) 21x26,5; pp.190
ISBN: 88-8127-040-4


In 1996 the Fondazione Mediterraneo founded the Mediterranean Award (with its various sections) which is granted yearly to personalities of political, cultural, scientific, social and artistic world who contributed by their action to reduce tensions and start an upgrading process of cultural differences and shared values in the area of the Greater Mediterranean.

The book traces the history of the Mediterranean Award from 1996 until today through dedicated pages to single prizewinners with reasons and pictures.

Nostro Mare Nostro

by Michele Capasso
DLibri - first edition June 2010 (it.) 16x24 - pp.576, ill. coloured
ISBN 88-8127-041-2

A non-profit work - Earnings shall be devoted to the
"Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture"

To receive the book + 2cds please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Michele Capasso retraces his experience as “architect of dialogue” at the head of the Fondazione Mediterraneo using the means of the description of a day passed in a hospital. It is a mix of sensations, emotions, reflections, experiences, memories and testimony in which there are set pages of a “Logbook” which the author has published over the years in newspapers and periodicals in the Euromediterranean countries.

It is also the pathway of the author’s private life: engineer, painter, photographer, but more and more an architect of peace and culture in the Euromediterranean scene over the last twenty years. It is the tale of a singularly human experience, in a political and historical moment when the Mediterranean takes on, at the turn of the century, a strategic importance for peace and shared development.

Fratricidal wars, forced migrations, ecological disasters, the absence of democracy and corruption are some of the causes which attack civil society. With these and others Michele Capasso acts by inviting people not to give up, as testified in the storied told in this book with a simple and efficient style: it is a mixture of stories and reports, where everything is rigorously true and corroborated in documents and images. The diary follows the day as a setting for 18 episodes in which the writing comes out of the main characters: the rubbish, the ambulance, the dog, the brothers of Gaza, the fat man, the funeral, the scalpel, the nurses, the probe, the parking attendant, the helicopter, the caress, the clandestine worker, the archive, the prostheses, the lawyer, the rainbow, the last kiss.

The whole sense of the narration is to show, in the encounters of the global society, the ancient knowledge that human beings from the area of the Mediterranean have developed, in the connections with the land, its inhabitants and the sea, confronting adversities of the day without losing faith in tomorrow.

Presentation events


Naples magic of the Mediterranean

Naples magic of the Mediterranean
by Michele Capasso

21x15 - pages 208, ill. coloured

A non-profit work - Earnings shall be devoted to the
"Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture"

To receive the book please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Twenty years have passed since I took the momentous decision to break away from my professional career and devote my life to solidarity actions in the Balkans and the Mediterranean. I had spent a very long day toiling with that difficult decision. To be honest, I was faced with the unenviable task of selling off a large part of my personal assets and committing them to aid to help innocent victims and setting up the Fondazione Mediterraneo. I felt compelled to turn over a new leaf.
Though she initially remonstrated with me over my intention to abandon my profession as an architect and engineer – after all I had carried out more than five hundred projects throughout the world – my wife Rita finally relented and simply uttered, “Why not?”
I can still remember that very moment.
The June sun was setting over the bay of Naples, enticing the city in its warm embrace. This splendid yet mysterious metropolis lay cushioned between the hills of the Vomero and Posilippo, to one side, and Vesuvius, to the other. The beauty of this Maison conspired with the iridescent twilight, casting an enchanting spell over the bay of Naples irreverently tossing the gauntlet into the sea…
Twenty years have passed. Rita has also departed, but her love for our home continues to dwell within its walls.
The Maison des Alliances has become an inseparable partner in building dialogue and promoting peace in the Mediterranean and the world. Today, I continue on this fascinating and stimulating journey with that same steadfastness as I wrestle with the challenges that lie before me.

Napoli, 2012
Michele Capasso
President of Fondazione Mediterraneo
and Maison des Alliances

Looks at the book
The Maison
Living Memories


Naples magic of the Mediterranean

Naples magic of the Mediterranean
by Michele Capasso

21x15 - pages 208, ill. coloured

A non-profit work - Earnings shall be devoted to the
"Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture"

To receive the book please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Twenty years have passed since I took the momentous decision to break away from my professional career and devote my life to solidarity actions in the Balkans and the Mediterranean. I had spent a very long day toiling with that difficult decision. To be honest, I was faced with the unenviable task of selling off a large part of my personal assets and committing them to aid to help innocent victims and setting up the Fondazione Mediterraneo. I felt compelled to turn over a new leaf.
Though she initially remonstrated with me over my intention to abandon my profession as an architect and engineer – after all I had carried out more than five hundred projects throughout the world – my wife Rita finally relented and simply uttered, “Why not?”
I can still remember that very moment.
The June sun was setting over the bay of Naples, enticing the city in its warm embrace. This splendid yet mysterious metropolis lay cushioned between the hills of the Vomero and Posilippo, to one side, and Vesuvius, to the other. The beauty of this Maison conspired with the iridescent twilight, casting an enchanting spell over the bay of Naples irreverently tossing the gauntlet into the sea…
Twenty years have passed. Rita has also departed, but her love for our home continues to dwell within its walls.
The Maison des Alliances has become an inseparable partner in building dialogue and promoting peace in the Mediterranean and the world. Today, I continue on this fascinating and stimulating journey with that same steadfastness as I wrestle with the challenges that lie before me.

Napoli, 2012
Michele Capasso
President of Fondazione Mediterraneo
and Maison des Alliances

Looks at the book
The Maison
Living Memories